
Forms Default styles Individual form controls receive styling, but without any required base class on the <form> or large changes in markup. Results in stacked, left-aligned labels on top of form controls. Legend Label name Example block-level help text here....


Tables Default styles For basic styling—light padding and only horizontal dividers—add the base class .table to any <table>. # First Name Last Name Username 1 Mark Otto @mdo 2 Jacob Thornton @fat 3 Larry the Bird @twitter <table class=»table»>...


Lists Unordered A list of items in which the order does not explicitly matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit Integer molestie lorem at massa Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet Nulla volutpat aliquam velit Phasellus iaculis neque Purus sodales...


Typography Headings All HTML headings, <h1> through <h6> are available. h1. Heading 1 h2. Heading 2 h3. Heading 3 h4. Heading 4 h5. Heading 5 h6. Heading 6 Body copy Bootstrap’s global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 20px. This is...


If this is your first Joomla site or your first web site, you have come to the right place. Joomla will help you get your website up and running quickly and easily. Start off using your site by logging in using the administrator account you created when you installed...
Getting Help

Getting Help

There are lots of places you can get help with Joomla!. In many places in your site administrator you will see the help icon. Click on this for more information about the options and functions of items on your screen. Other places to get help are: Support Forums...